
Currently we are providing education for children and adolescents. We currently provide some basic life necessities to the local area.

In the future once the new properties are purchased and building completed, we will expand education through High School. We will offer night classes for adults. We will offer counseling support and a weekly church service on Sundays. We will supply a food and clothing bank as well for the locals. In addition, a fund is being developed to provide scholarships for the students and teachers of the school who want to go on to college and return to the area to provide additional support.

Upcoming Projects

Updated Latrines for current School
The school will continue on the current land while new land is purchased and the new building erected.  An updated restroom is needed.  The current wooden (outhouse type) latrine will be replaced one with concrete floors, walls, water and an environmentally friendly geogas septic system.  The cost to complete this project is our present priority and is estimated to cost $3500.
Curriculum and furniture and repairs for current School
The temporary school seen above has been vacant since COVID. We will continue to use the facility until the new facility is built. To ready the building and buy curriculum for school starting in May is close to $2500.
Expand new location for new school and community center
Most of the land for the new building has already been purchased. We are looking to complete purchasing the remaining tracts of land. The photo above is one of the lots already purchased.

Recent Donator

Mory Stensgaard

Sean and Shari Hathaway

Virginia Fischer

Jaimie Lusk

Pamela Crockford


Currently being developed

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