Our Team

Our Team (Board of Directors)

Scott Delbridge M.Div. M.A.

  • President and Founding member
  • US Army Chaplain (retired) rank of Colonel
  • Licensed Professional Counselor (Oregon)
  • Business owner (Cowboy Coffee Inc and Prairie House Inn)
  • Loves to work on remodeling projects and is a son of a preacher man

Annette Delbridge, M.A.

  • Treasurer and Founding member
  • Elementary School Teacher
  • Business owner (Cowboy Coffee Inc and Prairie House Inn)
  • Graduated from Oregon State University
  • While in college she was the Oregon State University rodeo queen

Ali Harris, M.Ed.

  • Secretary and Executive Board member
  • Elementary School Teacher
  • Graduated from the University of Oregon
  • Has Younger sisters who are triplets

Stacey Jess

  • Executive Board member
  • Business owner of Jess Ford Inc
  • Volunteers at local Elementary school and Sunday School Teacher
  • Played and coaches basketball

Denise Wilson

  • Executive Board member
  • President – Ramat Medical
  • President – Twin Pharmacy
  • Licensed Vocational Nurse
  • Has been all over the world but has never seen the Grand Canyon

Recent Donator

Mory Stensgaard

Sean and Shari Hathaway

Virginia Fischer

Jaimie Lusk

Pamela Crockford


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