About Us

Bridge the Future began when an Army Chaplain from Molalla Oregon met a young man from Kampala, Uganda in Baghdad, Iraq.


Chaplain (Colonel) Scott Delbridge has served in the National Guard/Reserves since 1981 and as a Chaplain since 1991.  He was deployed once in 2003 to the Middle East for a year with 1/162 IN Oregon Army National Guard. Then in 2009, he was deployed again this time to Baghdad, Iraq at Camp Victory with the 41 Infantry Brigade Combat Team.    Besides being the pastor of one of the Protestant services at the main chapel, he managed one of the many chapels on a post where his office was located. Scott was part of the brigade that served as the Base Defense Operations Center at Camp Victory.

Here is how Bridge the Future began. Security was especially important, and the US provided a team of over 2,000 security personnel from Uganda to provide security in towers, gates, and key buildings across the 80 square mile base.  Several Ugandan security personnel served at the chapel Scott managed. They checked ID’s and secured the building during services and meetings. One of the Ugandan security personnel who was assigned to Scott’s chapel was Allan Lukande from Kampala, Uganda.  Between services, Allan would come into Scott’s office and they would have many conversations.   Scott was drawn to Allan’s story, his energy, his faith, and that he was only two years older than his oldest son.  Allan soon began to refer to himself as Scott’s son and Scott enjoyed the role of becoming his American father.  The two became close over the next year.

Scott Delbridge outside chapel in Baghdad, Iraq where he met Allan




Scott returned home to Oregon in May 2010 and Allan returned to Uganda.  Allan and Scott reconnected. Allan shared his goals and visions.  Scott and his wife Annette soon began providing monthly support as well as tuition for Allan as he began to pursue college.  Allan followed through and graduated with an advanced diploma in Theology from Reformed Theological College Uganda.  He began working with a church in Kampala and became a part of a South Korean organization providing school curriculum to children.  There was a need in Eastern Uganda outside of Mbale so Allan moved. He had to learn a new language (there are over 40 languages in Uganda) and began working with schools and teaching curriculum and on Sundays, he was a pastor to a small congregation.







  1. Together with Allan, a new vision for the village where Allan lived was formulated and the idea of buying land and starting a school for Allan to lead was agreed upon. Scott and Annette purchased three tracts of land and Allan began the work for a new structure.
  2. Eventually, enough funds were provided that a rough structure was built and school began (see photos)
  3. Eventually, enough funds were provided that water was brought to the school, a latrine dug and electricity connected.
  4. Support monies for Allan and teachers were provided as well.
  5. Eventually friends and family heard of the work that Scott and Annette were doing with Allan and they wanted to join and be a part. So after ten years of supporting the work a decision was made to create a nonprofit so others could join in the fun of making a positive impact.
  6. Since the nonprofit was created in October 2020 the board of directors raised enough funds to purchase new tracts of land to begin the process of fulfilling the vision of a new School/Community Center building to provide support to the locals and provide training for people in the area.   The Community Center vision would eventually provide adult classes in the evenings, counseling support, and a place for church services on Sunday.
  7. We look forward to you joining with our ever-expanding team of supporters as we all use our own blessings to be a source of encouragement to the people of this area.
  8. The new community center will be a few years in the making. Currently, COVID has closed the school so our current focus is to update the building to prepare for the return of students. We need to update and make the present structure safer and cleaner. (see photos of current location)

We would love to have your join with us in providing increasing opportunities to BRIDGE THE FUTURE one child, one family, and one day at a time.  We knew the deployment in 2009 to Iraq was going to make a lot of changes to our family but we had no idea of the eventual impact even to this day. God bless you as you decide (whether) to join with us in this amazing work.

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Mory Stensgaard

Sean and Shari Hathaway

Virginia Fischer

Jaimie Lusk

Pamela Crockford


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